How to Find Housing

Looking to live near the office?

Prądnik Czerwony and Prądnik Biały are good areas to check out and are close to the office.

You can also search for “O3 business campus” or “Opolska” to find a flat nearby the site so you can have an easier commute to work (when we return to the site of course!)

Where to find studios

Ready to learn some Polish? “Kawalerka” is a studio. Here’s some ways you can find more about available housing:

Tip: Always chose “prywatne” private ads not to pay agency fees.

Facebook Groups

Krakow Apartments 4 Rent
Another option to find housing is this Facebook group – just add a post that you are looking for a flat/single room nearby O3 business campus, Opolska Estakada and mention your budget. Landlords will contact you directly with the offers.

Krakow Expat Community
FYI: a good price for a single room should be 800-900 PLN including bills; for a studio (kawalerka, 1 bedroom flat) – 1500-1600 PLN including bills.

Internet Providers

Don’t worry, we know you’re ready to get your internet! Here’s some providers you can research for your next place: