112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. You can call 112 from fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. In Poland 112 calls are answered by the Fire Brigade and Police.
Country code for calling Poland +48
Emergency Line +48 608 599 999, +48 800 200 300
For foreigners only in the summer season.
Tourist Helpline: +48 222 787 777, +48 608 599 999
Provides tourist information as well as aid in emergencies, e.g. connected to lost documents, finding urgent medical treatment, road assistance, etc.
Accident and Emergency Wards (SOR): https://www.kpr.med.pl
24/7 medical information: +48 12 6612 240
Telekomunikacja Polska Phone Directory Service +48 118 913
Telekomunikacja Polska International Phone Directory Service +48 118 912
Krakow Municipal Transport Company emergency number +48 12 192 85
Krakow Municipal Transport Company – enquiries about buses and trams: +48 12 191 50
Electricity Emergencies +48 12 261 21 11
Water and Wastewater Emergencies: Krakow Nowa Huta district +48 12 648 28 61
Water and Wastewater Emergencies: Krakow Śródmieście (city centre) district +48 12 422 92 05
Water Emergencies: Krakow Podgórze district +48 12 655 53 98
Municipal Lost Property Office +48 12 616 57 13
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