Emergency Contacts

Emergency numbers 112 is your life-saving number!

112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. You can call 112 from fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. In Poland 112 calls are answered by the Fire Brigade and Police.

Country code for calling Poland +48

Important telephone numbers:

Emergency Line +48 608 599 999, +48 800 200 300
For foreigners only in the summer season.

Tourist Helpline: +48 222 787 777, +48 608 599 999
Provides tourist information as well as aid in emergencies, e.g. connected to lost documents, finding urgent medical treatment, road assistance, etc.

Medical Services

Accident and Emergency Wards (SOR): https://www.kpr.med.pl

24/7 medical information: +48 12 6612 240

And more you may need

Telekomunikacja Polska Phone Directory Service +48 118 913

Telekomunikacja Polska International Phone Directory Service +48 118 912

Krakow Municipal Transport Company emergency number +48 12 192 85

Krakow Municipal Transport Company – enquiries about buses and trams: +48 12 191 50

Electricity Emergencies +48 12 261 21 11

Water and Wastewater Emergencies: Krakow Nowa Huta district +48 12 648 28 61

Water and Wastewater Emergencies: Krakow Śródmieście (city centre) district +48 12 422 92 05

Water Emergencies: Krakow Podgórze district +48 12 655 53 98

Municipal Lost Property Office +48 12 616 57 13

Questions? We’ve got answers!

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